Playing the Dating Game? 3 Ways to Score Big on Your Bowling Adventure

Whether you spent months messaging back and forth online or finally got the lady in the cubicle next to you to say yes, you know that this date has got to go well. Like a gentleman, you let her pick the venue, and suddenly you are going bowling. While silly shoes and keeping score will help keep your mind out of the gutter, you subtly shivered when she picked bowling because you haven't been bowling in years.

Four Types Of Compound Bows

Compound bows are a type of bow which makes use of mechanical wheels, or cams, to increase the force at which an arrow is shot from the bow. This makes them much more powerful to traditional recurve bows or longbows. However, there are several different types of compound bows, each of which operates in a different manner. Understanding the differences between the varying types of compound bows can help you choose the best one for you.

Two Things That Can Help You Hit Your Firearm Target: Breathing & Hydration

If you'd like to improve your shot groups, you can get new firearm optics. However, there are two important things that you can do to improve the way your firearm and the optic system works: how you breathe and your hydration. Here's what you need to know. Control Your Breathing When your breathing is controlled, it allows more oxygen to be carried throughout your body, which reduces your blood pressure, reduces the tension in your muscles, and improves your concentration.

Three Ways To Help Improve Your Skill With A Badminton Racket

If you're just taking up badminton, you've no doubt discovered how athletic you really need to be to play a serious game. While it's always possible to just have a friendly back-and-forth with a family member, tossing the shuttlecock across a net at slow speeds, it's usually much more fun to have a real game where you try to hit, run, and turn as you'd have to on a professional court.

3 Apparel Mistakes When Cycling In Cold Weather

For some cyclists, cold weather can mean the end to your cycling season. Others, however, accept the challenge of cold weather and wet streets and keep cycling throughout the winter. If this is your first winter cycling in cold weather, you may overcompensate for the temperature by bundling up too much, which can make you uncomfortable. To keep a comfortable body temperature, avoid these three novice mistakes.  Waterproof Layers  With snow on the ground and slush in the streets, you may be tempted to put on a waterproof layer.